$99 enrollment fee for each member
1 Mo. Paid in Full: $69
Month-to-Month: $59/mo.
1-Year Commitment: $49/mo.
1-Year Paid in Full: $540 $45/mo.
Pairs Month-to-Month: $108 $54 each
Pairs 1 Year Commitment: $88 $44 each
1 Yr Paid in Full for Pairs: $936 $39 each
Youth 13-17:
Must have a parent/guardian present upon signing up.
Month-to-Month: $49/month
Free 5 VIP Day Pass (Non-Visitor): MUST BE C.O. RESIDENT
Day & Class Visitor Pass: $13
7-Day Pass (keycard provided): $39
• 65 years old: 10% off
• Military: 10% off
• Military and senior discount
• Silver & Fit / Active and Fit Program
• Silver Sneakers
• AARP/Active Renew
• Corporate account
Military or Senior; 10% off membership.
Silver & Fit; 100% paid for by insurance. Members must be 65 or over and have insurance with a participating provider.
Silver Sneakers; 100% paid for by insurance. Members must be 65 or over and have insurance with a participating provider.
Active & Fit; Member pays their insurance company at a discounted rate and the company compensates the club. Contact the insurance company for more details
AAPR/Active Renew; 100% paid for by AARP. Please check with the provider for confirmation.
Corporate: 3 or more employees are required to qualify. $0 enrollment for each employee and free to a member- paid for by their company.
Hydro Massage: Single use $5 Unlimited monthly $25
FarInfrared Sauna: Single use $30 Unlimited monthly $175 Share sauna session with a friend for an extra $20
Locker service: $15/ month or $150 for the year